Are Garages Becoming Passé?

Are Garages Becoming Passé?

When you think of the typical American home you picture an attached garage. Because of this, nearly all building plans will come standard with either a 1 or 2 car garage drawn in. More and more these days with limited lot spaces the question has become – “Do I really need a garage?”   Only you can answer that. For some, the answer is a resounding, “of course I need my garage!” for others when asked that question they get a rather perplexed look on their face and start to wonder “Do I?”   The average 2 car garage is allotted a space from 20’ to 24’ square. That is larger than many master bedrooms. Imagine what you could do with that space if you changed the plans and simply parked in the driveway.   In many cases, it is more cost effective to do the build-out of this space during the initial build than it is to do it in the future as a remodel. It could be converted to – an extra bedroom, a man cave, a bonus room, an entertainment area, a kid’s playroom, anything really. While a garage is not counted in the square footage of a home for resale purposes, a repurposed/reassigned area now undercover, built out, heated and air conditioned is.   While the extra room is lovely to have. In Florida, a drive in attached garage is also a luxury – keeping your car cooler in summer months and protecting you from having to run through the rain during storms, especially during hurricane season!   While we don’t see garages being written off anytime soon – it certainly is an interesting option to consider during a build.   Building a home, especially a custom home, it all comes down to personal preference and lifestyle. At Harden Custom Homes we like you to be aware of all of the options out there so that you can create the perfect home for you and your family.   If you are considering building custom, come talk with us. Call 239-205-5075 | email | or visit
